The Angry Therapist

Tat Lab App

The Angry therapist AKA John Kim who has garnered fame writing books like: I used to be a miserable F*uck and Single on Purpose, came to us to build an app to help connect himself and his coaches to Tat Labs ever growing community. He wanted to allow them to easily connect though daily group classes and an ever growing library of audio courses.

We created an app for both iOS and Android that used WordPress used as a headless CMS to allow for easy update by John and his coaches.

The app allows people to listen to individual audio courses, create custom audio playlists to listen to on the go, and sign up for the daily group classes with individual coaches directly connecting them to both the coaches and the community as a whole.

When a new user signs up we ask them a few key questions to get to know them better to suggest content they might be interested in. As they continue to explore the app we serve them up custom suggestions based on the audio they have listened to and classes they have signed up for. During their journey a user also has the ability to unlock achievements as they explore and grow.

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