Tat Lab App

The main screen of the Tat Lab mobile app on an iPhone featuring the users upcoming classes and the most recently added classes

The Angry therapist AKA John Kim who has garnered fame writing books like: I used to be a miserable F*uck and Single on Purpose, came to us to build an app to help connect himself and his coaches to Tat Labs ever growing community. He wanted to allow them to easily connect though daily group Tat Lab App

Virtual Fundraiser Intro

A still image from the video intro featuring a hyena on a gold sparkle background

When Wild Tomorrow Fund decided to host their first virtual fundraiser amid the Covid pandemic in June, they asked us to create the opener for the event. We were happy to help them in their fundraising efforts creating a 45 second intro for the event that was a little glitzy, a little earthy, but totally fun. Virtual Fundraiser Intro